5. AMIGA meldet Patent für neuartige Multiprocessing-Technologie an AMIGA hat am 10. August ein Patent für eine neuartige Multiprocessing- Technologie angemeldet. Es trägt die Bezeichnung 'US5935230: Multiprocessor arrangement including bus arbitration' und wird wie folgt beschrieben: 'At least two clusters of CPUs are present in a multiprocessor computer system. Each CPU cluster has a given number of CPUs, each CPU having an associated ID such as an ID number. An additional ID number, not associated with a CPU in the same cluster, is associated with the opposite CPU cluster that appears to the original cluster as a "phantom" processor. A round-robin bus arbitration scheme allows ordered ownership of a common bus within a first cluster until the ID reaches the "phantom" processor, at which time bus ownership passes to a CPU in the second cluster. This arrangement is preferably symmetric, so that when a CPU from the first cluster requests ownership of the bus, it is granted bus ownership by virtue of the first cluster's appearance to the second cluster as a "phantom" CPU.' Eine ausführliche Beschreibung mit Skizzierungen kann in Form von 16 GIF- Grafiken auf http://www.patents.ibm.com/details?pn=US05935230__ heruntergeladen werden. Wenige Tage später ist bekannt geworden, dass AMIGA in diesem Jahr bereits 17 weitere Patente angemeldet hat. |